This purely volunteer troop is organized in defense of the community and the State of Texas. Today the Troop is currently composed of men with prior military service to the Nation or State, and we now accecpt selected non prior military service volunteers. The times that have called the unit into being, are neither unique nor unusal in the history of our Nation, or of the colonies that preceeded the founding of the Republic. Since the founding of settlements in North America, there has been the need for training in the military arts, the better to provide for the safety of the people and security of the community. As is the tradition in a unit of this nature, each member is responsible for the private purchase of his kit.

The Dallas City Troop is a private military organization capable of providing service to the community, the State, and entering into the service of the United States. Because unique demands and opportunities are imposed upon its members, they become a closely knit fraternity. Full membership is by election.

The Troop's Mission

Our Mission is to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States. To do this requires a unique soldier. He must be flexible, intelligent, resourceful, courageous, and crave danger to perform this unique job under the most difficult conditions. The Troop is a tightly woven group, able to depend on one another at any time, irrelevant of rank, which is critical to our survival. We take great pride in both history and tradition.

Our Organization

Our unit is organized along the lines of the US Army's "L" Series TO&E of a Dismounted Recon Troop of an Infantry Brigrade Combat Team. Prior service members retain the highest held rank while on active duty, or as a member of the Reserve Component, and are assigned a duty position within the unit that most closely resembles their prior assignments. Those members without prior military service are assigned to a vacancy, and enter into instruction in performing that duty. As a prospective member without prior military service, Troopers will assist you in obtaining your kit while participating in training that leads to full membership. Offering disaster relief and assisting local civil authorities are only a few of the additional situations for which the Troop must be prepared. Today's battlefield requires the Troop to constantly train for and maintain a high state of readiness to survive the pace and lethality that characterize small and medium scale conflict.

Join The Dallas City Troop

We strive to live up to an observation made of our ancestors by the Duke of Northumberland in 1775: "Whoever looks upon them as an irregular mob, will find himself very much mistaken. They have men amongst them who know very well what they are about,"

If you are desirous of entering into this service to your fellow citizens, and have the character required to be a Trooper, you are encouraged to contact us in order to start the process that leads to full membership.

© Dallas City Troop | 2010 |